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Call Me Today to offer phoneline counselling for Myanmar people mental health despite the coup

Updated: Mar 11, 2022

Call Me Today to offer their free phoneline counseling for Myanmar people mental health despite the coup, the connection shutting down and the mass killing by the junta.

On the first day of the coup, the phone line has been interrupted and our phone line has not been accessed by the public for a few days. After being maintained we are offering the same capacity before the coup.

Call Me Today continue their services for the people of Myanmar despite the coup. The current Myanmar mental health situation is in a crucial state. It is fragile to turn to mental breakdown due to the death of the protestors, loud noise and abuse of power by the police and soldiers. Till now, there is no practice of emergency crisis response for those whose family members have been shotted to death. This is due to the armed forces which did not let even the ambulance rescue the patient.

Call Me Today worried as there would be many suffered people are getting trauma from this coup. Survived people and Myanmar from other countries are suffering the guilts. These griefs have to be taken action to remove as soon as possible.

Despite the difficulties for the civilians for reaching to access mental health services, the phone line has been maintained at the steady-state. We expect mental health supports from officials who are involving in the Civil Disobedience Movement (CDM), civilians who are suffering survival guilt and finally, family members who lost their kin.

Call Me Today is offering free counselling at helpline numbers, 09 782 383 145 on weekdays from 17:00 to 23:00.

Call Me Today is the first Myanmar mental health helpline since 2018. Call Me Today offers phoneline counselling, online counselling and mental health social impacts project for INGO and NGOs. We are a nonprofit social enterprise organization and provide over 1,000 clients nationwide.


What is Call Me Today?

Call Me Today is the first Myanmar mental health helpline since 2018. We are fighting for inaccessible counseling by providing online and phoneline mental health services for all people.

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